Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dr. Mommy

Today my feisty diva is ambling around with hand cautiously cupped to her left ear demanding air for her ear. Oh! Preschool, you are truly a nemesis to the garden variety germophobe. It is Sunday, which impedes a trip to the MD. Wait a minute...hold on to your hats folks...the caffeine is kicking in....i wonder...are we too dependent on a trip to our overburdened doctors for reassurance? I believe in doctors. I do. It is a noble profession filled with so many good hearts, and the good ones know what they're talking about. I wonder, however, if there is a link between the loss of connection to our bodies and the overburdened medical profession. I'm going to try incorporating more natural remedies to help our bodies fight off run of the mill infections, colds, etc. I have Thieves Oil in the house and i'm going to try it. Today is an opportunity to explore the confidence i have in my ability to tune in to what is going on with my daughter. Who knows, maybe in teaching my children how to tune in, they will be better caretakers of their bodies, which would be a win win situation for everyone. Dr. Mommy is in!


  1. it really worked! after 30 minutes, no more complaints. I asked her if she felt better and she said that her ear got air. Cool!

  2. My cousin swears by using the oil for ear infections. We have been lucky so far and have only had one, but will be sure to do this next time instead of the antibiotics.

    I am trying to learn more about the natural remedies for children because I feel this is so much healthier for them. I have been doing some of this for myself for years, but feel a little nervous about experimenting with the kids. Where do you find your information, I would love a reliable source. I am bringing the boys to a naturopath (sp) in February to help get to the root of some of the skin problems and hopefully get the baby off the reflux meds. I will let you know how it goes.
