Monday, February 28, 2011

Living Beautifully

Received a copy of this beautiful book from a friend yesterday. A wonderful guide to living green, i am thrilled about it!!!! It is humbling when I slow down enough to realize that this journey is not only about the mechanics of living more eco-friendly, but more importantly the small connections made to good people, life, and all which surrounds us. It fills me with reverence and gratefulness, and in turn inspires me to live beautifully, in harmony with everyone and everything. It has become quite spiritual, actually. My daughter and I recently started to pray together at night and in the morning to thank The Creator for all that we are, have, feel, see.

This book has inspiring images and a variety of innovative ideas to offer the greenworkers in all of us.

Thank you all for your encouragement and validation!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sage on Stage II

The sage may not be bushier, but i moved it to a larger pot and look! two beautiful flowers :-) this makes me happy. Looking forward to spring!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wallet Loving Quesadillas have i never made these before? flour, olive oil, salt, baking soda = yum. I used what i had in the fridge and the pantry already and whipped up a hearty lunch and it is so cheap! I used a bit of chicken shredded from my roast chicken of earlier this week, cheese, and green peppers. Made 3 and fed Hubs, myself, and two tots! Made 1 extra to store in fridge, and froze the other two tortillas for later use. Yes, i am proud of myself for having discovered this little recipe ;-)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Bit of Earthly Inspiration

Click on Image for An inpsirational Mini-Post (my first!) featured on The Urban Times

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Nostalgically Practical

This decluttering project has brought up a serious case of nostalgia. I found these adorable receiving blankets in my daughter's closet and decided to use my sewing skills to repurpose them into quaint wall-hanging storage for her crayons, etc. I just could not see myself parting with the tactile memories of holding my sweet baby girl swaddled in these blankets. This is a first for me, so plese forgive the frankenstein-esque nature of my first creation. It is not finished yet, i am adding buttons and ribbons. What you see above is how i folded the blanket to get the bases for what will become pockets once the sewing is done. I guess i could have looked for a how to on it but i wanted to see what my creativity would come up with! When i have a bit more time this week i will post a flickr slideshow on how i did it.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sticthin' Time....

As you all know, i am still knee deep in the clutter project. I found 3 bins full of fabric and sewing supplies and unfinished projects in my basement last night. A pajama shirt with unfinished matching pants that was supposed to be for me before i started a family, but could probably fit my 3 year old now. A friend asked last week where she could find a local place to buy organic bedding for cheap. I have yet to find such a place and was sorry not to have known any to share with her. Well, this morning that same friend shared a wonderful resource on where to buy organic fabric online! Ingenious! I am definately going to use this as i work toward March's goal of putting my sewing skills to use :-) I will keep you posted on where i get my organic fabric, and what i make with it!

Best thing about having started my journey of "greening" besides inspiring others is meeting and sharing ideas with like minded individuals, and being inspired in turn by their journeys. Happy greening everyone!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

1 Crockpot, 2 Hours, and 3 less things to Wash

Hmmm...i'd say i was making strides toward this month's goal of simplifying my life ;) I have been using a crockpot given to me as a wedding gift 7 years ago and have discovered a surprising partner in my conservation efforts!

This Faberware Nutristeam has proven to be deliciously minimalist in many respects.

Recently i made a chicken and wild rice soup with carrots, garlic, celery, onions and herb de provence for myself and the kids.

When it was time to clean up the kitchen, i realized i did not have to wash the usual suspects; one pot for vegetables, another for rice/pasta, and a baking dish or pan for turkey meatloaf/chicken.

Just 1 Crockpot! ....and our bowls and spoons and our drinking cups, of course-but much much simpler :)

I have saved time, energy (made 1 dish that saved 3 mealtimes worth of cooking on the stove top and in oven for me and the kids) money, water (by not having to wash those extra pots), and sanity.