Please Scroll Below to Find Updates on Recent Grocery Bill Amounts
____________________________________________________________________________________SEPTEMBER'S GOAL....A REVIEW
I achieved success in getting the grocery bill at Whole Foods to 65 dollars a week. Keep in mind that i have a husband who has a crazy schedule misses many of our regular mealtimes. Also, i have two little ones who don't eat like another adult would. This particular dollar amount may not be realistic for some who have a different situation, and as my children grow i know it will be harder, but i do believe that in general we can reduce our current grocery bills by at least 40% if not more by:
- Using our freezers like a "savings" account
- Planning your menus
- Eating less meat
- Making food from scratch
- Using reuseable bags, etc. at your grocery store for added discounts
- Breakfast for dinner one night a week -sweet potato pancakes with veggie/parm cheese scrambled eggs is cheaper than steak!- and the kids think it's a riot to have breakfast for dinner :-)
- Buying ingredients in bulk (whole foods offers 10% discount for crates)
- Find and use all the coupons you can.
I'll start re-posting my receipts soon and will also add my monthly bulk-buying receipts at BJs as well. I need to work on getting those items to be more organic, natural, and/or of recycleable materials....Ahem...you remember the paper towel situation of late July/Early August. I am currently experimenting with tracking my expenses along with my menus and recipes in table (excel/access) format to post to this blog for easier viewing. check back here at the end of February/beginning of March for this new feature! thanks for your patience, i promise it will be a little useful! In the meantime, browse a sample of menus for a week based on what is in my fridge at http://heavyenlightenment.blogspot.com/p/whats-in-fridge_05.html and good luck on finding creative ways to maximize your current groceries budget!
Please do comment, as your experiences and exchanges are great inspiration :-)
2/13/2011 - Grocery bill at Whole Foods: 85.99
2/20/2011 - Grocery bill at Whole Foods: 160.00 - extra provisions for overnight guests
2/23/2011 - Picked up a few more things at Stop and Shop for overnight guests 20.05
2/27/2011 - Grocery bill at Whole Foods 79.89 ___________________________________________________________________________________
ReplyDeleteOrg Apples 4.99
Org Sweet Potatoes 4.99
Wild Hvst Gr. Turkey 5.49
Sharp Cheddar Block 4.73
Pepperoni 1.75
Italian Roast Beef Deli 4.94
Smart Balance Oil 3.19
Smoked Turkey Deli 3.63
White Vinegar 2.89
Cinammon 2.49
Organic Bread 4.99
Poland Spring .99
Yogi Bedtime Tea 5.49
Yogi Kombucha Green Tea 4.99
Spirulina 12.49
Ghirardeli Cocoa 5.35
Olive Oil 2.99
Organic Milk x 2 @ 3/79 ea 7.58
Shredded Mozarella 6.39
Orange Juice 3.59
Rice Pudding 3.49
Parmesan Shredded X2 @ 1.99 ea 3.98
Frozen Peas 1.79
Sugar 1.79
Organic Eggs (1/2 dozen) 2.69
**my purchase qualified for a .10 percent gasoline discount** to be used within the next 30 days