Friday, September 17, 2010

For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth. ~Sanskrit Proverb

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Amazing Discovery on my quest for indoor plants!!! Harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde and Benzene are significantly reduced in the air by indoor plants. An introduction to the heroes: Peace Lily, Chinese Evergreen, Bamboo Palm, English Ivy, Gerbera Daisy, Janet Craig, Marginata, mass ane/Corn plant, Mother in Law's Tounge, Pot Mum,Warneckii. My favorites for plants that go with any type of home decor are the Peace Lily, Gerbera Daisy, and Warneckii.


  1. Thanks for your blog! You've inspired to eat healthier! Thank you. I wonder if you have any advice for a yeast infection :(

  2. To Jessica B. - glad you stopped by! your comment has inspired me to add a new feature. I've posted a resource for you there; visit the Gaia's Place page. You will find it on my header.

  3. As a busy stay at home mom I was wondering if the 3 plants you recommended are very difficult to care for. (Peace Lily, Gerbera Daisy, & Wameckii) I don't have a very good green thumb...if they are not can you recommend a resource for caring for indoor plants? Thanks! ;) ~ L.M.

  4. To L.M. - click on images for in depth care instructions for each of these plants. The ones i liked were not very difficult to care for. But if you don't have a green thumb, looks like your best bet is the English Ivy which is the easiest of all. The Chrysanthemum would also be an easy choice. The Warnecki would be more like having a pet :-) Good luck with beautifying your air!
