Saturday, August 7, 2010

Accomplishment X3...and more!

This is the perfect activity to get all my goals met in one sitting....baking bread. Organic, Whole Grain, Cheap, Green. Not to mention it serves as a great sensory as well as scientific activity for the kids ("wow Mommy, it's growing!") great family time, encompassing all my love. A truly spiritual activity that will serve to ground me throughout this 365 day adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmmmm. That does look goodie. I love making bread from scratch. Trouble is, I can't seem to add thirty or forty hours to the day so's I can find the time for bread makin'. I keep sayin', "Someday," but someday never comes.

    I thought that movin' out in the country would automatically bring longer, more peaceful, easy-goin' days an' lifestyle. Huh! Ain't so!

    I am your newest follower. I enjoyed your comment on my Bread Magic post. Thanks for telling me 'bout your bread-makin' post. That looks delicious. You're welcome to come to my place an' make bread anytime you wanna'.

    ~ Yaya
